Erwin High-
Tuesday- Senior Awards, 6:00 PM in the stadium.
Thursday- Dance Showcase, 6:30 PM in the Auditorium.
Friday- Senior picnic.
Erwin High-
Tuesday, Athletic Banquet, 6:00 PM.
Wednesday, 2nd-semester PBIS reward trip.
Thursday, Chorus Concert, 6:30 PM.
Erwin High -
The exam review schedule begins June 2nd with End of Course exams taking place June 5th - 9th. Friday, June 2nd and Friday, June 9th will be 8:00 AM starts to accommodate the review and testing sessions.
Erwin High Seniors-
Tomorrow is the senior walk, group cap & gown photo, and decision day celebration. Please be on time for school with your cap & gown.
Erwin High -
Sports physical clinic this Thursday, 3:00 PM in the gym. Students must have completed forms and $15 cash or check made out to Erwin High. Forms at
Erwin High-
Thursday - Sports physicals after school in the auxiliary gym and strings concert at 7 PM in the theater.
Friday - senior walk, senior class photo, & senior decision day pep rally.
Please make sure attendance is made up & debt is resolved as soon as possible.
Erwin High -
Attendnance make-up sessions will be expanding to every weekday afterschool from May 15 - June 2.
Buncombe County Schools will be hosting a safety seminar provided by on Thursday May 9 at 6:00PM at Erwin High.
Erwin High -
AP course exams begin this week.
Fiday is an Early Dismissal.
Seniors have year end event info & permission slips. Please return them to the office and register for the senior picnic.
Please complete the BCS survey. Check your email for the link.
Erwin High-
Band Car Show is this Saturday 9AM-1PM. Email to register your car. More info at
Erwin High-
Spring Musical this Thur., Fri., & Sat. at 7pm in the auditorium.
Parent surveys will be sent via email from BCS communications this week. The survey will also be available on the district home page in the Live Feed.
Erwin High -
Clarification for upcoming senior events - The Buncombe County all district Top Scholars Banquet is this Thursday. Erwin High Senior Awards are May 23. These are two separate events.
Erwin High-
Top Scholars banquet this Thursday. Prom this Saturday.
Spring Musical performance April 27, 28, & 29. More info at
Erwin High -
School resumes on Monday. This also begins the final quarter grading peiod. Attendnace make-up sessions are every Tuesday and Thursday. Students should resolve any debt or fees including cafeteria, technology, and parking.
Erwin High -
Spring Break this week - No School.
Students return April 10 to start the last nine weeks of the year.
Please follow us on for all the year end actvities.
Erwin High -
Student received information about the spring Panorama student survey today. The survey will take place on April 14. Please review this infomation and find out more at
Erwin High -
Friday is the end of the 3rd nine weeks grading period.
Attendance make-up sessions are every Tuesday and Thursday.
School will be closed April 3-7 for spring break.
Erwin High -
Reminder that Friday 3/24 is an early dismissal.
Erwin High-
The application for Twilight second session opens today. Classes begin after Spring Break.
Erwin High -
Course scheduling meetings this Tuesday and Thursday for current 10th and 11th grade students. See for more info.
Erwin High-
Rising 9th and 10th grade course registration nights this Tuesday and Wednesday. More Information on Facebook. Rising Juniors and Seniors are March 21 & 23.