Grades and Attendance

Students are expected to attend class each day when they are healthy and otherwise able to. Teachers hold students to high standards of work and input grades into PowerSchool weekly.

To check students' grades and attendance, parents/guardians can log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and students can log in to their PowerSchool through IAM.

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Attendance Policy

Attendance is taken in and counted for each class, meaning students can have a different number of absences in each class. Students must be present for 2/3rds (1 hour on a normal schedule) of a class period to be counted present. If you sign your child out of school for part of a class period or day, that might count as an absence.

Students are allowed seven (7) absences coded 2A - Unexcused absence in each class period. Any 2A - Unexcused absences after seven (7) will have to be made up through attendance makeup. Students can also speak to teachers about using after-school tutoring for attendance makeup.

Absence notes can be emailed to If a parent/guardian does not have an email address to use, we suggest using your student's school-provided email account.

Students should sign up for attendance makeup in the reception office no later than the day before they plan to attend. Cost is $3 for 1 hour and $5 for 2 hours.

Grades and Attendance FAQs