In life, the unexpected can often happen - but Progressive Education Program students at T.C. Roberson High School are learning what to do when it does. Student teacher Michelle Pitts has created a set of lessons that teach the ins and outs of simple first aid - a valuable and essential life skill.
“In our lessons, our students have been learning the importance of knowing when to call 911 or when to use first aid,” Michelle said. “We are not delving into the higher end of first aid, such as CPR, but we are learning how to tend to simple wounds or how to maintain a wound safely until help can arrive. We have learned what is found in a first aid kit and what type of first aid should be utilized for different injuries, as well as how to be safe to prevent most injuries.”
Students learned how to tend to a wound, how to clean it to avoid infection, how to apply pressure to stop bleeding, and how to bandage it and when to get help. Students were excited to learn how to take care of themselves and others in the event of an emergency and will be building their own personal first aid kits soon.
“The importance of learning these skills is to prepare them for the world beyond the classroom,” Michelle said. “Most of our students will be graduating this year and we focus on functional life skills; first aid is part of these skills. It’s important that they understand and have the knowledge to not only help themselves but to help others if there is an accident.”